
Versions follow Semantic Versioning (<major>.<minor>.<patch>)



  • #15 Add pyflysight.flysight_proc.FlysightV1 and pyflysight.flysight_proc.FlysightV1FlightLog container classes for interfacing with FlySight V1 track data & metadata
  • #30 Add optional normalization of GPS coordinates in plaintext log files
  • #34 Add CLI pipeline for parsing FlySight V2 flight logs into more user-friendly CSV files.


  • (Internal) #21 Utilize MkDocs for documentation generation
  • #15 FlySight V1 related parsing helpers now utilize pyflysight.flysight_proc.FlysightV1FlightLog instances rather than bare DataFrames
  • (Internal) Migrate to uv from poetry



  • #24 Add optional normalization of parsed GPS coordinates
  • #27 Add filter_accel and filter_baro helpers to pyflysight.flysight_proc.FlysightV2FlightLog to assist with applying filters to logged accelerometer & baro data.
  • #26 Add pyflysight.flysight_proc.calculate_sync_delta for calculating the time delta required to align the parsed track & sensor data


  • #26 When using pyflysight.flysight_proc.parse_v2_log_directory, an elapsed_time_sensor column is now added to the track DataFrame, providing a synchronized elapsed time that can be used to align the sensor & track DataFrames


  • #25 Re-initialize nested configuration dataclasses when loading from JSON



  • Add py.typed marker to register library as typed for downstream type checking



  • #16 Complete reimplementation of CLI


  • Add additional helpers to pyflysight.config_utils and pyflysight.flysight_utils
  • (Internal) #21 Add documentation autogeneration using pdoc3



  • Add derived total_accel column to FlySight V2 IMU sensor dataframe, calculated as a vector sum of the xyz acceleration components
  • Add pyflysight.log_utils.locate_log_subdir helper for resolving child log directory from a given top-level directory
  • Add pyflysight.log_utils.iter_log_dirs helper for iterating through child log directories of a given top-level directory
  • #19 Add pyflysight.config_utils for config file generation
  • #19 Add pyflysight.flysight_utils with helper utilities for working with connected FlySight devices



  • (Internal) Bump to Polars v1.x


  • #18 Add pyflysight.log_utils.classify_log_dir helper for classifying the FlySight hardware rev of a given log directory



  • Add parsing pipelines for FlySight V1 track data files
  • #8 Add parsing pipelines for FlySight V2 track & sensor data files
  • #11 Add trimming for FlySight V1 & V2 data files
  • #12 Add simplified CSV log export for FlySight V2 data files


Initial release - yay!